Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Insanity of CNN...No wonder no one watches!

This is just and example of the insanity of CNN...first of the comments that states' rights if racist is ridiculous!....this is the United STATES of America....not the Federal Government of America....states have rights and they are mostly rights that are now getting trampled on by Obama and his regime.....and then to say that we have to talk race because we are all brothers and sisters is also stupid...if we are all brothers and sisters we need to not talk race, not see race, not refer to race...what we need to a colorblind society!....But since we are talking color, why doesn't CNN have anyone but black commentators on their Sherry Sherrod Special....should those of us that are not black take that as racist????? Again it's no Wonder that No One Watches CNN!

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