Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This Puts The Total Incompetence Of Obama in Context....

An Unserious President In Seriously Perilous Times

Posted 09/17/2012 07:04 PM ET

Leadership: The Mideast is in turmoil, the economy is faltering and the president opts to spend precious time with David Letterman, Beyonce and Jay-Z. Are we the only ones to wonder if Obama's suited to be president?

Last week, Michelle Bachmann had it partly right when she said that "President Obama needs to get his priorities straight."

There's no question that Obama should, as Bachmann recommended, cancel his appearance on the Letterman show and agree to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

But the idea that Obama's problem is a mixed-up priority list is giving the president more credit than he deserves. Time and again, Obama has proved that he is simply incapable of taking the job of president seriously. And the repercussions of this grow by the day.

Let's review last week's evidence. Netanyahu asked for a meeting with Obama to talk about the rapid approach of a nuclear-armed Iran. Obama said no. Even the liberal press admitted this was a "highly unusual rebuff to a close ally."

The White House excuse for skipping Netanyahu? "The president's schedule will not permit that." But that same day, Obama announced that he will be on the David Letterman show — his second guest appearance as president — to talk about what?

Ah, but who wants to deal with those dreary Middle East problems when you can be scoring likability points with undecided late-night-watching voters.

This is par for the course for our current president. With global unrest on the rise, we learn that Obama has skipped more than half of his intelligence briefings.

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With unemployment stuck at about 8% for more than 40 months, we learn that Obama has spent more time golfing than in economic meetings of any kind, according to the Government Accountability Institute.

With the nation's debt crisis spiraling out of control, Obama's only solution was to offer a set of talking points he called a "balanced approach," while labeling a detailed, serious GOP plan un-American.

Then, earlier this year, Obama produced a budget that would add more than $6 trillion to the nation's debt pile over the next decade.

With gas prices soaring, Obama decided to cancel the Keystone oil pipeline to appease his environmentalist base, and then gave a speech to some college kids wherein he promised that the nation's energy problems could be solved by tapping into our abundant supply of pond scum.

We could go on. And on. And on.

If all Obama wants to do in life is golf, take fancy vacations, crack jokes on late-night TV and offer meaningless policy proposals, he should go run a nonprofit and leave running the country to someone who'll take the job seriously.

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